1. Plant Systematics, Floristics, and Vegetation Science
2. Applied Botany
3. Plant Conservation
4. Fungal Taxonomy and Phylogeny
5. Fungal Conservation
6. Sustainable Use of Plants and Fungi
7. Current Research Projects in Botany and Mycology
Plant Systematics, Floristics, and Vegetation Science includes research subjects related to floristics, plant geography and endemism, taxonomy, phylogeny, and nomenclature of plants, phylogeography, evolution, plant morphology, embryology, karyology, palynology, paleobotany, and research areas dealing with various aspects of vegetation science (ecology and dynamics of plant communities, syntaxonomy, and habitat diversity).
Applied Botany covers subjects related to phytochemistry and chemotaxonomy of medicinal and aromatic plants, plant biotechnology, plant cultivation, etc.
Fungal Taxonomy and Phylogeny includes research subjects related to taxonomy, phylogeny, nomenclature, and evolution of fungi (incl. lichenized fungi), phylogeography, ecology of fungi, fungus-plant interactions, etc.
Plant Conservation and Fungal Conservation include a wide range of research subjects related to conservation of plant and fungal diversity respectively: assessment of conservation status and Red Listing, threats to plant and fungal diversity (habitat loss and fragmentation, invasive alien species, etc.), in-situ and ex-situ conservation activities, monitoring of plant and fungal species, habitat and ecosystem restoration, protected areas and NATURA 2000 network, effects of climate change on plants and fungi, etc.
Sustainable Use of Plants and Fungi deals with subjects such as sustainable use of medicinal plants, wild fruits, and wild edible mushrooms, ethnobotany, assessment of the possibilities for sustainable management of natural forests, etc.
Current Research Projects in Botany and Mycology is organized as a poster session, especially focused on presentation of ongoing research activities and projects related to any of the other six Conference topics.